A platform for leaders to improve team engagement

Connecting: People Team Mission.

Be confident that your team is working on all the right things

Our web-based platform helps leaders eliminate the disconnect between people and goals by providing clear line of sight to the things that are important to the organization. Resulting in improved engagement and productivity.


Get Organized

Every individual  on a high performing team knows where they're going and how they're going to get there.
Gimbal enables you to easily create strategy and key results.

Key results are what success looks like in real, reportable, numbers.

"If it does not have a number, it is not a key result"

- Marissa Mayer (Google)

Gimbal makes it easy

  • Use the card wall to build your strategy
  • Drag and drop objectives as the plan evolves
  • Assign each objective to an accountable user
  • Create Key Result (OKR) tracking


Line of Sight

You put a lot of energy into developing your strategic plan, now you need your team engaged.  The Gimbal platform makes it easy for you to document your plan, assign owners, and enable team insight to the importance of what they're doing.

Don't let your team get disconnected from organizational goals, keep them engaged to reduce "silo" work and attrition.

"Ideas are easy.  Execution is everything.  It takes a team to win."

- John Doerr

  • Every goal has a relationship through to your vision
  • Easily see details, updates, and who is responsible
  • Look into the future by selecting additional goal periods


Measurable momentum

Now that you have your plan documented and visibility to your common goals, it's time for your team to execute! 

Every Key Result tracker implements easy to use color coding and lightning quick updates.  (Future automatic updates through integrations are coming).

Team members can spend less than 30 seconds per week supplying updates which are critical to you monitoring organizational momentum.

"What gets measured, gets managed"

- Peter Drucker

  • Organization level objective status roll-up
  • Individual team member ownership and contributions
  • Full timeline of activity on every Key Result
  • (Future) scheduled reminders for updates and check-ins

Coming Soon

Join the beta waitlist now so you can be among the first to start delivering exceptional results in your organization

RACI Responsibility Matrix

Gimbal is built on the belief that individual accountability is what drives results, that's why we've utilized the RACI model for ownership.  Each goal should have one person who is ultimately accountable for the goal success.  After identifying who is accountable, it's easy to trickle down the responsible individual or team.  Once the system is up and running, results and output build momentum.


At least 1 assigned, these individuals are primarily responsible for executing the work to complete the task


Only 1 assigned, is usually the budget manager and has authority to make resource allocation decisions


Could be peers or subject matter experts from other departments, customers, etc. who could add value through their input


Should be kept in the loop, but doesn't get into the details of the action items.  Often this is a skip level manager.

An example RACI Matrix


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